

发布时间: 2024-05-10 14:07:34北京青年报社官方账号





As this year marks the 70th anniversary of China-Myanmar diplomatic relations, Xi said it is important that the two countries carry forward their traditional friendship and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation to bring this relationship into a new era.


As the business environment in China has continued to improve in recent years, the agency has seen increased investments by Japanese enterprises in China, especially in high-end manufacturing fields such as automobiles and machine tools, Zhang said.


As you rightly say, the Joint Declaration recognized that Hong Kong would have a “high degree of autonomy” after 1997, subject, of course, to China’s sovereignty. However, it specifically exempted “defense affairs”, and this exclusion, together with foreign affairs and other matters outside local autonomy, is now enshrined in the Basic Law. The Joint Declaration, as the Foreign Office should have told you, said nothing about national security, which involves China’s own defense interests. The UK never proposed, and China never agreed, that, after 1997, Hong Kong would be denied the laws it required to defend itself from subversive activities or terrorism, or to protect the nation. Under China’s Constitution, national security is always a matter for the country as a whole, just as it is in the UK, and we must all pray that the existential threats can be neutralized by the incoming law.


As the two-day conference between Communist Party of China (CPC) and African political parties came to an end on July 18 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, it was resolved that African political parties should work together with CPC in efforts to build a community with a shared future for the two parties.


As the Rh negative blood cannot be stored for long, the blood center hoped to be in contact with her so she could help those in need of blood.


